How & where to meet celebrities in Paris


Celebrities love Paris! I know that most of them love to come to Paris from time to time more than anything! Some of them even bought a house in Paris to make sure they would always have a home whenever they’d be in Paris! Who never dreamt of meeting a world known celebrity by chance, as you walk around in the streets? And what an incredible story to tell your friends after you meet one of your favorite actors or favorite singers during your stay in Paris? Well, of course, it is very unlikely that this will happen by chance, but I can give you a few pieces of advice that may force the hand of destiny. Read on to find out how and where to meet celebrities in Paris!

How & where to meet celebrities in Paris

Almost all French celebrities live all year in Paris, and it is not uncommon to have a star living in your quarter. Of course, this is not as cool as having Jude Law living along your street, but still, it matters to French people to meet Marion Cotillard when she eats dinner at Le Pershing Hall or Salma Hayek when she has a drink in front of the Place de la Concorde!

However, don’t worry if these people sound like strangers to you, as Paris is not only a headquarter for French celebrities, but many others too from all over the world! Many international celebrities enjoy spending vacations in the City of Light, and because they are not tourists like everybody else, there are a few places where they like to meet each other, to have dinner, a drink, or to dance all night long!

Where to go to at night to meet celebrities

The most famous ones are in my opinion: Le Baron and Le Black Calavados. These clubs are two of the most trendiest ones in Paris, but are however extremely selective, and getting in can be a real challenge! But it is actually worth it. If you manage to get in there, it is highly possible that you will meet Kirsten Dunst, Sofia Coppola, or even Leonardo di Caprio. Another club that is less selective is Le VIP Room. Preferred by foreign celebrities, it is located just in the middle of the Champs Elysées, and it could be a great place to spot some VIPs and spend a real good evening at the same time.

Where to eat to meet celebrities

How & where to meet celebrities in Paris

There are a few restaurants, in Paris, owned by some French celebrities or largely attended by them! Among the most famous ones is the hotel Costes restaurant, located in rue Saint Honoré, where you could find for example Jude Law whenever he’s in Paris. There’s also the restaurant L’Avenue, in avenue Montaigne, one of the favorite restaurants of Jean Paul Gaultier, Beyonce and Jay-Z. Then, you have the Le Sourire de Saïgon, a Vietnamese restaurant where Vanessa Paradis or Leonardo Dicaprio like to have lunch from time to time.

Of course, I can’t guarantee you that you will meet one of them there for sure. But if they are in Paris during your stay, these are some of the places where you are most likely to meet one of them!

How to make sure you will meet celebrities in Paris

What I would advise you is to check the gossip press news, but also to keep an eye on the celebrities Instagram pages. When international stars come to Paris, it is often for the Fashion Week or to promote one of their films or CDs. Therefore, if you are staying in Paris during these days and are a patient person, you can come in front of their hotels. The most famous ones are the Westin or the Plaza. Check out our list of luxurious hotels in Paris.

You may get lucky and manage to see them! This is definitely where you’ll have the greatest chance to meet them. For instance, Rita Ora and Cara Delevingne usually stay at George V. If the Fashion Week happens during your stay, don’t forget that some of the events take place in the Opera Garnier. If you have a look at the program, you’ll be able to go there in time to see every personality at the end of a show for instance. But careful, you’ll not be the only one who will have had this idea!

How & Where to Meet Celebrities in Paris

Many celebrities love Paris! They love it so much they even own a house or an apartment in Paris! For it is such a glamourous and romantic city! Famous actors and actresses such as Scarlett Johansson and Johnny Depp can be spotted in the most charming neighborhoods of Paris. For instance, Scarlett Johansson loves to have a walk in the Latin Quarter and in the Saint-Germain district (read more about our top 5 walks in Paris).

How & Where to Meet Celebrities in Paris

It has also been said that Johnny Deep bought an apartment in the Marais neighborhood, so you might catch sight of him or his daughter Lily-Rose in this area.

Le Marais has been a trendy place for about twenty years now. You can learn everything about this area by reading our top article.  Also, you can join me on a free 90 minute guided walking tour of Le Marais, where I can tell you all of the fascinating details of this beautiful neighborhood, and point you to some of the best places to see.

Neymar is another celebrity that can now be seen in Paris more than ever since he was recently transferred to the Paris Saint Germain soccer team. For professional reasons, he bought a luxurious mansion in Paris, more precisely in Saint-Germain-en-Laye. It is at about the same distance as Versailles from Paris (learn more about our walking tours in Versailles)!

You now know how and where to meet celebrities in Paris! Nevertheless, I highly recommend you to check celebrities Instagram pages to make sure they will be in Paris during your stay and also to read the gossip press news. It usually provides a lot of information about celebrities habits and their favorite places! You will also need to be very patient if you want to take a selfie with your favorite actor or singer! Most celebrities are very discreet and appreciate their intimacy! So, the last thing I can tell you is: good luck and have fun!