By Peter K Burian – Wikimedia

5 Best Areas to stay in Florence


The city of Florence is the capital of the Tuscany region in Italy. It is known by many as the home of picturesque architecture.

The top attraction in this city is the Duomo, a UNESCO heritage site, which is a church that has a terracotta-tiled dome and a bell tower.  The dome was built by engineer Brunelleschi.

While visiting Galleria dell Accademia, one will find an exhibition of Michelangelo’s famous sculpture.

Another interesting gallery to visit is Uffizi where one will find the Botticelli exhibition of the birth of Venus and Da Vinci’s Annunciation.

Now that we have ideas on some of the top attractions to see in this Italian City, let us look at areas that one can stay in this small city.

The neighbourhoods in this city give a different experience from the other despite their proximity to each other.

There are chill quiet neighbourhoods, vibrant neighbourhoods and mix of both. Let’s look at the 5 best areas to stay in Florence that may suit your budget and travel needs.

1. Duomo

By Petar Milošević – Wikimedia

First on the list is the Duomo neighbourhood. It is home to the classic dome at Santa Maria del Fiore a popular tourist centre in Florence.

The area has several cafés, taverns, restaurants and gifts shops. It is the most preferred area to get accommodation by first-time visitors to Florence.

This iconic landmark has other sights nearby that one can also visit such as the national museum of del Bargello and Giotto’s Campanile.

Duomo is packed with exciting activities and energy that is reflected by the locals. The cobblestoned streets, grand public squares, and quaint cafes dotting the area.

Being the most liked area in Florence means that there are wide-ranging accommodation options to meet one’s budget.

Duomo happens to be the hotel district of Florence and it can be quite intimidating if one is on a budget. The good news is that there are great hotels that one can get affordable rates and still enjoy the sights that the city has to offer conveniently.

The dining areas are also in plenty and one can get to enjoy some Tuscan delicacies from the cafes and restaurants in the area.

This area best suits families and other travellers that prefer less walking from one attraction to the other.

2. Santa Croce

Santa Croce is another best area to stay while in Florence. This zone is known for its colossal Basilica, Santa Croce Basilica.

The chapels at the Basilica are also a resting place to some famous Italian artist and philosophers such as Michelangelo and Galileo.

There are several eateries and taverns along the streets that serve Tuscan and other delicacies and drinks at the piazza. The place gets flooded with both locals and tourists during the aperitivo hour.

There is a wide range of accommodation options at Santa Croce. The options range from staying at places that have lively night scenes that are frequented by the locals like via de’ Benci or via de’ Macci streets.

It’s a great place to enjoy your night feeling like one of them. The other accommodation area includes hotels that offer a quiet experience.

The pubs and restaurants in this region are pretty chic. One can also get to admire some beautiful murals and art, perfect for photos to share on your socials.

This area is also centrally located and has some hidden streets that are not crowded and are close to other attractions like Duomo.

This area has hidden gems that are charming and mirrors the Italian sensation.

3. San Frediano

By I, Sailko,-Wikimedia

San Frediano is the other best area to stay at while in Florence. This region is close to Santo Spirito neighbourhood.

It is one are that is liked by many that visit Florence for accommodation choices. It used to be the neighbourhood that was occupied by the middle-class citizens of Florence. It evolved from being a residential-only area to a mix of both residential, restaurants, cafés, bars and shops.

San Frediano is loved by artists both local and from around the country. The restaurants and taverns in this region have good food and drinks while enjoying magnificent sunsets; the lodging options are also sufficient.

The culture in this area is quite eclectic and that explains why it is loved by artists and art lovers. There are several historic landmarks and museums that one can take a tour of.

San Frediano showcases how prehistoric artiste history contrasts with modern Florence and art in Italy in general.

There are a lot of attractive sights in this area and it requires walking, the beauty about it is that they are not crowded like other touristy places.

Staying in this area is suitable for all ages as there is something for everyone.

4. Santa Maria Novella

By Wikimedia

Santa Maria Novella zone is right by the city’s main train station upon arriving in Florence. What better place to stay at than this!

Like most areas in Florence, Santa Maria Novella has a pretty and calming Piazza, Piazza di Santa Maria Novella. The Piazza is surrounded by baroque churches.

There is a public park nearby, Parco Delle Cascine, that is large and plush for ultimate relaxation away from the busy streets, walking or picnics.

One can also visit the Santa Maria Pharmacy that is more than 6 centuries old together with the mausoleum where the remains of the Medici family was laid.

There are quieter places to stay on the east side of the train station. This place is not crowded and is a walking distance to the train station, major landmarks and the main square. It is also a safe neighbourhood to stay at.

This attribute makes it more favourable for families and older tourists. It is surprisingly affordable considering its connectedness to the rest of the regions in Florence and other cities.

Santa Maria Novella is also close to Duomo; it is at least a 20-minute walk.

5. Sant’Ambrogio

Sant’ Ambrogio another quiet and laid-back neighbourhood close to Santa Croce. It is one of the neighbourhoods that truly reflect the Florentine spirit.

The top attractions in this area include the synagogue, Piazza dei Ciompi flea market, restaurants and cafés that have some of the best sumptuous and affordable food.

The flea market is open every last Sunday of the month, there is a variety of ware that one can buy from vintage furniture, cute teacups, lamps, mirrors and postcards.

Sant’ Ambrogio is the best place to stay for those that want to be on vacation but prefer a laid-back environment that has few tourists and more locals. This offers a relaxed atmosphere and is perfect for families that prefer to have relaxed days and evenings.

This area offers a middle point of pure quiet relaxation and busy and bustling town centre. There are several antique shops and markets that one can get gifts or souvenirs while almost living like a local.