Top 10 Facts about Genghis Khan


At the mention of the name Genghis Khan we picture the ‘universal Ruler’ who at one point in history conquered almost half the world, an empire stretching from the Pacific Ocean in the east to Eastern Europe in the West. He was a formidable warlord who’s unbeaten and unstoppable Mongol hordes raided and pillaged across Central Asia.

Born of humble beginnings in the steppes of Mongolia he grew up to command one of the fiercest armies known in the history of man. Despite his name being synonymous with barbarity, he was a great leader who unified warring tribes of Mongolia and advanced the economy of Central Asia. Here are top 10 facts about Genghis Khan.

1. One in 200 men today are direct descendants of Genghis Khan.

DNA Structure – Wikipedia

Known to be a conqueror he was also able to make an immortal legacy for himself by passing his genes across centuries. A recent finding by DNA researches estimates that there are 16 million men in Central Asia alone who are his descendants.

He was able to have numerous descendants as he is described as being a great lover who had many wives and courted many more women. He was also given the first pick of the most beautiful women of the towns the Mongol armies had conquered.

Some ruling dynasties of Asia and Russia were also his descendants like the Mughal royal family from Timur through Babur, Yuan Dynasty of China, Ilkhanids of Persia, the Jochids of the Golden Horde, the Shaybanids of Siberia, and the Astrakhanids of Central Asia, Girays of Crimea.

2. His grave site is unknown and unmarked.

Burkhan Khaldun – Wikipedia

One of the greatest mysteries surrounding Genghis Khan is the location of his gravesite. It is estimated that he was buried around a Mongolian mountain called Burkhan Khaldun but this has never been proven. Maury Kravitz, an archeologist, spent 40 years searching for the gravesite in vain until his death in 2012.

Before his death, Khan had instructed that his gravesite be unmarked and no one is told about its location. Upon his death during the battle of Western Xia in 1277, he was only 65 years, his soldiers carried out his last wishes to the letter.

According to the legend on their journey to the gravesite the funeral procession killed everyone that they came in contact with. Soldiers killed all the slaves who built his tomb and those soldiers were silenced by other soldiers. After burying him the funeral procession soldiers started killing everyone and eventually killed themselves.

3. “Genghis” wasn’t his real name.

Genghis Khan’s enthronement in 1206 – Wikipedia

Genghis was born sometime around 1162 along the banks of the Onon River as Temujin meaning ‘iron’ or ‘blacksmith’. He was named after a rival chief who his father had recently captured.

It was in 1206 that he got the famous name Genghis Khan when he was proclaimed leader of the Mongols at a tribal meeting known as a “Kurultai.” “Khan” is a traditional title meaning “ruler” or “leader” but historians are unsure of the meaning or origin of the name “Genghis.”

4. There is no definitive record of what he looked like.

Genghis Khan – Flickr

In spite of being considered a national hero and founding father of Mongolia very little is known about Genghis’s personal life or even his physical appearance. There is no accurate portraits or sculptures of him that have survived. This can be attributed to the Soviets rule in the region who banned anything and everything related to Genghis.

Their various versions of how Genghis Khan might have looked from being tall and strong with a flowing mane of hair and a long, bushy beard to the 14th description by the 14th-century Persian chronicler Rashid al-Din. He claims that Genghis had red hair and green eyes. All these accounts have been considered unreliable by historians.

5. He was responsible for the deaths of around 40 million people.

Mongol warrior of Genghis Khan – Wikipedia

For Genghis Khan to have conquered almost half the world he would have had to massacre many towns. His rampages left such a path of destruction that many historians put the number of deaths he caused somewhere around 40 million and estimate that the Mongol’s attacks may have reduced the entire world population by 11 per cent.

Census from the Middle Ages shows that the population of China reduced by tens of millions during Khan’s reign. He is also responsible for the death of a three-fourth of modern-day Iran’s population during the Khwarezmid Empire.  It is said that he enjoyed advertising his brutality as a way to keep people afraid and submissive.

6. He created one of the first international postal systems.

Mongolian Horses – Flickr

Khan’s earliest decree was the formation of a mounted courier service known as the “Yam.” The “Yam” was used to refer to the post houses and way stations, which were approximately 24 kilometers apart that could be found across the whole of the Mongolian Empire. Thanks to the “Yam” system Khan could keep up to date with the military and political developments throughout his vast empire.

This remarkable medieval postal system improved the economy, simplified the transportation of goods along the Silk Road and improved the efficiency and effectiveness of information sharing. The postal system also helped to protect foreign dignitaries and merchants during their travels. A good example of foreigners who used the system is Marco Polo and John of Plano Carpini.

7. Some of his most trusted generals were former enemies.

Genghis Khan & Jebe – Wikimedia Commons

Unlike most medieval rulers who promoted officers because of their social class or status, Khan was known to focus primarily on an officer’s capabilities and experience. He had a keen eye for talent and this can explain why he even allowed women to be part of his army.

He was also known to appoint his enemies as generals and a good example is his field commander Jebe. The story goes that Jebe shot an arrow and killed the horse Khan was riding during a battle against the Taijut in 1201. Despite winning this battle this incident almost killed khan. Once the Taijut were captured Khan inquired on who had shot the arrow and one archer bravely stood up and confessed it was him. Impressed by the soldier’s braveness Khan appointed him an officer in his army and nicknamed him Jebe meaning “arrow.”

8. He killed his half-brother as a child.

Genghis Khan – Flickr

Genghis was known to be a cold-blooded killer in his adult life, but he also depicted his thirst for blood as a youth. From a young age, khan knew he had to fight and kill for what he needed and wanted. His family was at odds with their clan members and a result they lived on their own.

This solitary life caused a food shortage in their household. In an effort to help feed his family Khan would go hunting, but he did not always agree with how the food was divided. One day Khan had a serious argument with his half-brother over the food he had captured. Khan took the dispute to his mother, who sided with his step-brother. This enraged Khan.

In his anger, Khan enrolled the help of his younger brother and killed his unsuspecting half-brother. It is said that Khan never had any remorse whatsoever.

9. He strategically killed his sons-in-law.

Tumanba Khan, His Wife, and His Nine Sons – Wikipedia

Khan was a genius in his own right. He understood that he could not rule such a large empire by himself and would need help from local people. Who is more loyal than your own flesh and blood? Khan enlisted the aid of his sons and daughters in the ruling.

It is said that Khan would marry off one of his daughters to the king of an allied nation and dismiss the other wives of the allied king. Khan would then assign his new son-in-law to military duty in his army. Most of his sons-in-law died in combat thus leaving Khan’s daughters to rule in their place.

10. Khan was a strategic warlord.

Mongol Cavalrymen – Wikipedia

In most of his battles, Khan was mostly outnumbered, but he still managed to defeat his enemies because of the various military strategies he applied. He was able to devise many of his enemies into thinking that his army was larger than it actually was and setting cunning traps for them.

He was also successful in his raids because he provided his soldiers with the resource they needed. Each Mongol had at least five to six horses per soldier and the soldiers were allowed to shield themselves with dummies or prisoners of war. Khan took good care of his army thus busting their loyalty and drive to serve him.