Nora Dunn – travel blogger


Every other week, Discover Walks will share with some great insight from Travel bloggers from around the world who fell in love with Paris. They will share their favorites addresses and things to do while in Paris. Because genuine advice and stories are so important to us, in addition to our born-and-raised Parisian tour stories, we now bring you real advice from fellow travelers.

Bonjour Nora, can you tell us more about who you are?

Nora Dunn, 40 years old, born and raised in Toronto Canada. Been traveling full-time for over 10 years!

Why did you start writing theprofessionalhobo?

I started my blog back in the “pioneer days” when blogging as a career wasn’t even heard of. So for me, like many others at the time, my blog was simply a way to chronicle my full-time travel adventures for family and friends to follow along, as well as for posterity.

At the time I was using a different blog platform and name, but in 2008 after my site gained a lot of international readers (due to my accidentally forming an NGO in Thailand – long story!), I changed the name to The Professional Hobo and got more serious about blogging.

In the meantime, I was developing a career as a freelance writer; something that I knew could sustain me with little more than a laptop and internet connection while I traveled.

Why did you start traveling?

In 2006, I was in the throes of running a very busy financial planning practice, as well as dabbling in my lifelong passion of performing in musical theater and acting in movies.

All in all, I’d become what you might call “a medium sized fish in a big pond”! I had achieved many of the accoutrements of “success” as society would define it, and I lived well. But I just couldn’t satisfy my lifelong itch to travel the world immensely and extensively with standard vacations. And I couldn’t bear to “put in time” for another 30 years until a conventional retirement, when I might not be willing or able to do the sort of traveling I so desperately wanted to do.

So, I sold everything I owned on a wing and a prayer to embrace my dreams of travel. I had no idea where I’d go, how long I’d travel for, nor what I’d do to make money along the way. I just knew I had to go!

You can learn more about my journey to becoming a full-time traveler here: ‘How I Became The Professional Hobo’.

What’s special about your blog?

As I developed my freelance writing career, I noticed an interesting trend; I parlayed my financial expertise into writing about finance for travel publications, and I parlayed my lifestyle travel expertise into writing for finance publications.

It was a great fit, because you need money to travel, and the more creative you are about how you spend and earn your money, the more you can have really interesting travel experiences.

For example, shortly into my full-time travels, I discovered ways to get free accommodation, through volunteering, house-sitting, living on boats, hospitality exchanges, and more.

All in all, I’ve saved well over $100,000 on accommodation expenses, all the while getting a valuable culturally immersive experience (and often some pretty swish accommodations)! I even wrote a book about it: How to Get Free Accommodation Around the World).

So ultimately, what sets my site apart from other travel blogs, is that I’ve combined my areas of expertise (finance, travel, lifestyle design) into one theme on my site, which is ‘How to Travel Full-Time in a Financially Sustainable Way’.

What would be your top 3 things to do in Paris?

I’ve been to Paris three times, and I would go back in a heartbeat!

My top three things to do there include taking a boat tour (I’ve done it by day as well as by night, and each have their virtues – the lights of the city are magic at night, and the daytime tour is better for orienting yourself); visiting some of the world-renowned museums and art galleries (I’m not generally a museum person, but the Musee D’Orsay and the Louvre are spectacular); and last but certainly not least, wandering the streets aimlessly, finding fun neighbourhood nooks, and discovering a little cafe for a coffee and a pain au chocolat!

Your top 3 favourite places in Paris?

When I travel, I’m generally in a constant state of discovery; wandering around and finding little nooks and crannies, out of the way cafes, charming parks, and culturally immersive experiences.

As such, I really feel that I’ve barely touched the surface in Paris. The next time I go, I doubt I’ll return to any specific spots; rather, I’ll see what else I can discover!

Your favorite landmark in Paris?

It is probably a draw between the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees.

Could you give us your recommendation to first timers in Paris?

Take a boat tour for sure! Also, just wander the streets and neighborhoods and discover your own perfect version of Paris!

Thank you so much Nora, keep on enjoying Paris!

Merci beaucoup :-)