Top 5 Italian Writers


The Italian culture, way of life, and politics can be vividly experienced in its literature. Authors that have had the privilege of living and experiencing life outside of Italy also give their experience with an Italian flair. The Top 5 Italian writers below are lauded for doing both.

1. Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli (1469-1527)

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli- Wikimedia Commons

Atheist and immoral cynic are two heavy titles that have been used to describe Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli! His book ‘The Prince’ that was ultimately banned by the Catholic Church earned Machiavelli this repute. It is a politically inclined book that he wrote in 1513, which seemingly glorifies evil, and advocates for the use of whatever means necessary to forge ahead. It gives a roadmap to obtaining and keeping power, but some scholars argue that the book is satirical and is actually about how not to rule.

Machiavelli dedicated his book The Prince to Lorenzo de’ Medici, Florence’s ruler at the time.

Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli was born into a wealthy and prominent family that was into politics, and part of Florence’s leadership from time to time. He joined the leadership of Florence at age 29 by taking over the chancery, effectively giving him charge over the city’s foreign affairs. Later suspected of conspiracy, Machiavelli was sent to prison, tortured and exiled in San Casciano where he wrote his acclaimed The Prince and Discourses on Livy. The latter book dwells on the classical history of ancient Rome and also lessons and encouragement of the coming on of republicanism.

Machiavelli’s legacy lives on albeit with negative nuances at times- when one is referred to as “Machiavellian”, this means that they are corrupt and unscrupulous!

2. Alberto Moravia (1907-1990)

Alberto Moravia- Wikimedia Commons

Alberto Moravia was also known as Alberto Pincherle, a novelist and journalist whose works precede him as an industry leader in 20th century Italian fiction. Moravia focused on subject matter such as sexuality, detachment from society, and existentialism. A good number of his books were adapted for the big screen such as Agostino, La Noia and, Il Conformista

To get started, Moravia published his first novel ‘Gli indifferenti’ in 1929 out of pocket. This was a sweet victory for his toil as critics loved the novel! Moravia also wrote short stories such as include Racconti Romani and Nuovi Racconti Romani.

Moravia started writing at an early age; having suffered from osteomyelitis at the age of nine but it was not all gloom- while he was hospitalized Moravia studied French, English, and German. He also read extensively and by age 11 he had started writing fiction.

Moravia was a skilled writer who was able to create authentic characters who had realistic dialogue. Moravia’s style was unadorned and he had extraordinary narration skills.

3. Primo Michele Levi (1919- 1987)

Primo Levi- Wikimedia Commons

Primo Michele Levi was born in Italy, and was lucky to get a tertiary education- days after he graduated from the University of Turin, a ban on University education for Jews was enforced!

Levi authored ‘the best science book ever written’ according to the Royal Institution of Great Britain. He wrote the revered Periodic Table, a series of short stories chronicling Levi’s experiences as an Italian-Jewish man and a chemist particularly in the eras of war, fascism, and the aftermath. This collection of 21 stories each carries the name and is linked to a chemical element.

‘If This Is A Man’ is another highly acclaimed book written by Primo Michele Levi. He made good use of the harrowing time he spent incarcerated at the Auschwitz concentration and death camp- as a holocaust survivor, Levi documented his experiences there as well as his thoughts within 10 months. ‘If This Is A Man’ does not betray the horrible experience Levi endured in the camp. A mark of a great scribe, Levi manages to maintain a neutral tone throughout the book. Levi explained that he wanted his readers to make up their own minds.

‘The Truce’ was Levi’s sequel to ‘If This Is A Man’ which spelled out Levi’s difficult journey back home after he was released from Auschwitz.

Levi’s ghastly experiences at Auschwitz allegedly haunted him and caused his suicide in 1987.

4. Italo Calvino (1923- 1985)

Italo Calvino- Wikimedia Commons

Italo Calvino was the most translated Italian author around the globe by the time he passed on in 1985. He was a journalist and author born in Santiago des las Vegas, Cuba. Due to his upbringing, Calvino stood out from quite a young age. His parents would not have him conform to any religious education at school. He also loved literature from a young age, which was a problem! His family was into the sciences and considered them more important.

Calvino had to participate in the Italian invasion of the French Riviera. It is from this war that some of his writing was inspired- from experience. His writing was whimsical and imaginative, making him one of the greatest Italian fiction writers in the 20th century.

His short stories ‘Ultimo yiene il Corvo’ were published four years after the Second World War ended. This book was applauded by the critics. So was ‘If On A Winter’s Night A Traveler’, and ‘Cloven Viscount’.

5. Elena Ferrante (1992- present)

Italian Legal Books- by Thomaseagle- Wikimedia Commons

Named one of the 100 most people of 2016 by Forbes magazine, Elena Ferrante’s books have been translated from Italian into numerous languages. She falls into the category of writers that prefer to use a pseudonym.

The first novel published by Ferrante was ‘Troubling love’, a puzzling examination of the female psyche. One of her most famous works are the Neopolitan novels and some of her works have been adapted for television. ‘The Lying Life of Adults’ is her work most recently slated for adaptation for the screen in May 2020 by Netflix.

By concealing her identity and remaining adamant about it, Ferrante had wanted her work to speak for itself- anonymity has always been a precondition of There have been numerous speculations about who the author is, but to date, the author behind the name Elena Ferrante is not known.

Picking up a novel, short story, or any other Italian literature will be worth your while. You will journey into the vivid world that is Italy and other territories depending on the setting but seeing it from an Italian perspective. These top 5 Italian writers can vicariously give you a taste of the country’s food, art, architecture, fashion, and opera.