By Alexandre Gourevitch

I am Alexandre. Some 12 years ago, Jim J. and I (along with Bertrand and Thomas) started Discover Walks. A guided tour company dedicated to discovering great cities around the world, in the company of born-and-raised locals.

As an entrepreneur in travel, I have been fascinated by innovations that have made travel and tourism what they are today. In the next few instalments, I will be presenting – and discussing – those great innovations that occurred at one point or another and that make travelling the wonderful leisure that it has become today.

3 articles published

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By Alexandre Gourevitch

How did they do it before the suitcase got invented!? “To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?” great innovations of all times in travel

Packing for a trip means packing a suitcase, right? Well, not always. Or to put it differently, the suitcase was not always around. And who invented it? Louis Vuitton is generally credited for it. He was a young man then, in the 1850s. Famous already, as he held a job as an official trunk-maker and […]

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By Alexandre Gourevitch

Here is a novel idea for travelers: the restaurant

When I travel, I like to count my blessings. Hotels, museums, public transport, guidebooks and multi-lingual guides. All great innovations. What would travel be like without them? But I feel that one more innovation deserves credit. An innovation both surprisingly recent, and fairly under-appreciated. That’s the restaurant. Beautiful, tasty, sexy, we all love a good […]

Employees in holidays

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By Alexandre Gourevitch

Paid Leave. There would be no travel without it

Paid Leave is an invention of the modern times. The right for employees to be away from work and continue receiving the same pay during that time. Before paid leave was introduced, people worked 6 days a week, year round. Or 7 days a week. To compensate some, there were lots of public holidays here […]