Meet Discover Walks Guest Writers

Alexandre Gourevitch

I am Alexandre. Some 12 years ago, Jim J. and I (along with Bertrand and Thomas) started Discover Walks. A guided tour company dedicated to discovering great cities around the world, in the company of born-and-raised locals. As an entrepreneur in travel, I have been fascinated by innovations that have made travel and tourism what they are today. In the next few instalments, I will be presenting – and discussing – those great innovations that occurred at one point or another and that make travelling the wonderful leisure that it has become today.

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Douglas Gruehl

I started at age 5 with a HUGE hating of the movie Fantasia and from then on went on to critique everything I saw - I was always wondering what the hype was about Gone WithThe Wind and Wizard of Oz and especially Citizen Kane. Was enthralled with Saratoga, It Happened One Night, and Sunset Boulevard. And here I am now!

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Elijah Jones

I'm Elijah Jones journalist, writer, activist, and musician in my free time. I was born and raised in Detroit, US. My biggest inspirations are Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr. I grew up seeing and reading what they've done for black people. It significantly impacted my life and mentality and motivated me to keep fighting for a more just and equal world where people can coexist with all their differences. In this column, you will see my impressions of being a black person in the US and what's happening in the black community. "Darkness can not drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." – Martin Luther King Jr.

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Frederick Davis

Art is my passion, and I love all kinds of it. However, from painting to music, one caught my attention more, the seventh art. I can spend the whole day binge-watching all sorts of movies. I adore analyzing photography, Acting, Characters, Direction, etc. My favorite movie of all time is Casablanca. The way it was directed, the actors' performance, dialogue, plot, acting, and music make this film a classic masterpiece. I plan to write a lot of information about the film industry in this column, just as my opinion about movies and celebrities. Stay tuned, and make sure to check out my following articles!

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George Wilson

I'm George, but my friends and family call me Geordie, so feel free to call me whatever you like best. I've been a Football freak since I'm a kid. I remember playing and watching it all the time, which made me grow up and become a football scout for a small club in the Uk. So here I'll share my thoughts about the industry and the players I like the most.

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Gregg Stebben and Ilya Ponomarev

Gregg Stebben is a journalist. He has interviewed US Presidents Clinton and Bush 41, Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev, and many other politicians and newsmakers. He appears frequently on radio all over the US, and has hosted podcasts for Men’s Health Magazine, Forbes Magazine, and others. He is also the author of 19 books, including "White House: Confidential" and "Internet Privacy For Dummies." Ilya Ponomarev is a former member of the Russian Parliament who is now fighting for Ukraine. In 2014, he was the only member of the Russian Parliament to vote against the annexation of Crimea. His new book is titled "Does Putin Have to Die?: The Story of How Russia Becomes a Democracy after Losing to Ukraine," and you can find out more at Gregg and Ilya run a show on

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Jay Knight

Jay knight is the pen name I have used to write three books. In 2014, I wrote a book entitled The Happy Class which was, for a short time, an Amazon best seller. In 1990, I was a co-founder of Discovery Zone, which made a lot of kids happy. Most of my career has been in helping to start companies and some of that background can be found here.

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Jim Jorgensen

I grew up in a small city in Wisconsin and moved to California in 1970 to go to school. Forty years later, I helped start Discover Walks headquartered in Paris. We have employed travel guides in over 1,000 cities around the world. In the meantime, I traveled to 49 states (sorry Alaska) and visited over 50 countries. I have traveled using “Europe on $10 a Day '' as my guidebook. And, I have made trips using private jets. I have become a bit of a lodging snob over time, but hate wasting money on anything. I have eaten street food in almost all 50 of those countries and have been sick from it only once (beach food in Porto de Galinhas, Brazil). I have met, worked, and traveled with some of the most interesting people around. For most of my life, people have asked me for personal travel advice. It is one reason I wanted to do this column. I plan to write not only about current travel and people, but also tell some of the more interesting stories about ‘Traveling Through Life’. As a side note, I wrote a book about happiness in 2014 and have a column based on it here.

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Julia Giuliani

I've always been fascinated by the glamour of Hollywood, but especially by the actor's and actresses' lifestyles. I've always seen them traveling on private jets, enjoying huge yachts in Sardeña, and going to the best parties in the world, and I wondered if their lives were as perfect as they looked. After many years of thinking about it, I realized that everybody has problems and these celebrities also have many, so I decided to write about them to show people that they are also facing many issues regarding their careers and personal life.

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Lucas Braga

I am Lucas, a Brazilian marketer passionate about sports, especially Football, Travel, and languages. Sports and travel have been part of my life since I was a kid. I remember going to football games with my father and traveling with my family were my favorite things. Growing up, it kept making part of my life, and because of that, I started to learn languages, lived in 3 countries, and visited more than 14. While watching football games and visiting sightseeing, I have been to 25 cities around the globe and still counting. Here I will write and express my opinion about traveling, living abroad, and consuming sports.

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Luiz Seabra

Hey! It's Luiz writing. I'm a Brazilian economist and love making great memories from new experiences. I have always had this goal of traveling around the world and meeting new places and people, and that's what I'm doing now. Passionate adventurer, If you are looking for crazy adventures, you found the perfect guy. I also speak three languages and have visited over 20 countries (so far). Here I will write about some of my traveling experiences and some economic content from time to time.

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Mary Madison

The film industry is my passion. I love to watch from old to actual movies and series. This passion came from my mother, with whom I remember watching movies together on Sunday evenings during my childhood. I feel that I'm passing this passion to my daughter, and she in crazy about horror and romance movies. So you can expect in this column my honest point of view on the new and classic blockbusters from Bollywood to Hollywood.

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Mike Armand

I watch football since I'm 6 years old and I'm not planning to stop - even though there are some good reasons to waste my time on something else. My favorite teams are Paris Saint Germain and obviously the French national team.

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Olivia Hernandez

I'm a journalist, half Mexican, half American, and my hobby since I'm a teenager has been writing about celebrities. It all began with my love for Britney spears and her life in the 00s(I used to buy all the magazines she was in). Since then, I have always followed what they are doing in their lives and write about it. I will tell you the latest news in the celebrity world. So follow me to keep yourself updated.

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Paul Harris

Paul Harris. I'm a physical education professional, marathoner, and passionate about Sports, but I confess that basketball is my favorite. I'm a Lakers fan, By the way. I firmly believe sports are a tool for social transformation, especially in poor communities. It can help change the world in many ways, and my goal is to spread it to as many people as I can during my life. To accomplish that, I've taught sports in a couple of countries for over 20 years. So you can expect to see in this column many articles about how we can use sports to impact people's lives and about my experience teaching it.

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Saar Ba Khan

My name is Saar Ba Khan. I live in London but as an expat. Actually, there are lots and lots of foreign residents like me in London. To the point where in some areas, particularly in some affluent areas, meeting a Brit, one with a proper British accent and all, is a rare thing. They claim that overall, 1 person in 3 who lives in London is not British. I would venture that in many district, that number is even higher than 1 in 3. So I thought I would tell Londoners what I, as a foreigner, love about their city of London. And what I hate about London too, why not. This will be a series with multiple installments, believe me.

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Vanessa Waithera

Writing has always been my source of comfort, I managed to find sanity through my words, especially when the weight of motherhood took a toll on me. As a writer and digital marketing strategist, I get excited when creating all sorts of content about motherhood on social media platforms. When I am not writing you'll find me in the kitchen trying to make cookies out of Weetabix for my little one or watching historical documentaries on Netflix.

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William Robinson

I'm William, and I grew up in Sacramento, California. Since I was a young kid, I've been fascinated by the celebrity world. I used to watch Hollywood movies and the Oscars and imagine the lives of those actors and actresses performing those fantastic characters. Then, when I was 22, I moved to LA to be closer to my idols and follow their daily routine. Since then, I've been writing about their lives, businesses, curiosities, and careers. My goal in this column is to tell you as much information as I know about artists and keep you informed about what they are doing in their careers.

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Zawadi Atieno

I'm Zawadi Atieno, the writer behind this column. I'm an experienced traveler who wants to share tips about my trips and make people's lives easier when traveling around the globe. I've been to more than 40 countries and started to write because of my passion for sharing experiences and helping people. Whether traveling alone or with friends, I love having different experiences. It gives you another perspective of the place you are visiting, and you also avoid crowded places. Here you'll see many articles with my point of view about several places, especially in Africa, the continent I visited the most.

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