By Saar Ba Khan

My name is Saar Ba Khan. I live in London but as an expat. Actually, there are lots and lots of foreign residents like me in London. To the point where in some areas, particularly in some affluent areas, meeting a Brit, one with a proper British accent and all, is a rare thing. They claim that overall, 1 person in 3 who lives in London is not British. I would venture that in many district, that number is even higher than 1 in 3.
So I thought I would tell Londoners what I, as a foreigner, love about their city of London. And what I hate about London too, why not.
This will be a series with multiple installments, believe me.

3 articles published

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By Saar Ba Khan

What’s so great about London. And not. – Black Cabs

Black Cabs easily make my list of London’s Seven Wonders. Black cabs are everywhere to be found. They are fast. They are highly comfortable. And of course, the drivers are dazzlingly knowledgeable. I do love the moment I step into the back of the cab effortlessly, keeping nearly horizontal as if into a horse carriage. […]

By Saar Ba Khan

What’s so great about London. And not. – The Mini-Maps

You’ve seen ‘em and you’ve loved ‘em instantly. The highly legible maps disposed outside the Tube and all over the streets in central London. Finally a map that is designed for its user. The center of each map stands precisely where I am, it faces where I face and it looks where I look, it […]


By Saar Ba Khan

What’s so great about London. And not. – The City Bikes

I love London’s city bikes – the Santander bikes, the Boris bikes, whatever you call them. Compared to other cities, the London bikes are everywhere, every station has both bikes available and empty slots to park, the bikes are comfortable, and Londoners are incredibly respectful of their bikes. What a wonderful system. It beats any […]