Puzzling World near Wanaka, New Zealand. Photo by Yogi de. Wikimedia Commons

Top 10 Fascinating Facts about Puzzling World, New Zealand


Puzzling World is a major tourist attraction located near Wanaka in New Zealand. The magnificent structure was put in place in 1973 and was founded by Stuart Landsborough.

The structure began as a single-story maze but later developed gradually into a world-winning complex. The complex contains several puzzling rooms as well as the world’s first 3-D maze.

The complex is also popularly known for its leaning tower of Wanaka and the spectacular eccentric lavatory styled just like the Roman bathroom.

The site has received more than 4 million visitors as of 2020 and had attracted about 200,000 visitors per year. The business is run by a family with the theme of affordability, fun, and uniqueness which have been evident since the beginning.

As the Puzzling World continues to grow and evolve they always have the desire to provide the most spectacular experience to the visitors.

Below are the top ten fascinating facts about Puzzling World

1. It Originally Began as a Single Level Wooden Maze

The eye-catching complex originally began as a single-level wooden maze located at Wanaka in Queenstown in 1973. The simple structure was the original idea of Stuart and Jan Landsborough.

Due to a lack of finances, they were forced to sell their house to raise the money for the structure after they were denied a loan.

Landsborough, however, credits his father for the great idea. According to Landsborough, the complex succeeded because he advertised to attract adults rather than children.

2. Puzzling World Attracted a Mass of Visitors Since its First Year of Establishment

Although the structure began as a single-level wooden maze in 1973, it began to attract a huge number of visitors. In the first year of its operation, it received about 17,600 visitors.

In 1979 another puzzle center was established and three years later a second level was added to the maze.  The complex began a $2.5 million extension in 2010 which also included sculptures that were designed by a local artist.

As of the year 2020, the site receives about 200,000 visitors annually.

3. The Sculptillusion Gallery is the Largest Illusion Room

Puzzling World. Photo by Pseudopanax. Wikimedia Commons

The sculptillusion gallery is the largest illusion room which was officially opened in December 2012. The room contains some impossible objects, some ambiguous images as well as perspective paintings.

Some of the spectacular sculptures include a stone carpet, a living wall and a tap that seems to be suspended in the air, and a floating bench.

The room also contains impossible nuts and bolts interactive which is one of Jerry Andrus’s illusions.

4. The Impossible and Useless Inventions are Aimed to Amuse, Confuse and Amaze

The building does not only contain sculptures but also contain area for exhibitions and advertisement. It also contains some very impossible and useless inventions from several artists worldwide that are meant to amuse and confuse the visitors.

There is also an area that contains some familiar products with recognizable logos from different companies.

Other areas include stained glass windows which have specific geographic patterns as well as areas for events and conferences.

5. The Leaning Tower Appears to Balance Precariously on one Corner

leaning tower New Zealand. Photo by Henk Monster. Wikimedia Commons

The leaning tower is one of the most amazing structures in the Puzzling World for its unique appearance. Most of the visitors take photos just below the huge structure as it seems to be falling and they seem to be supporting it.

The uniqueness of the structure is that it seems to be impossibly balanced on one corner. This makes the entire structure lean at an angle of about 53 degrees to the ground.

6. Summer and Spring are the Best Seasons to Visit Puzzling World

The best time to visit Puzzling World is during the summer and the spring seasons when the weather is sunny and warm.

During these seasons, the visitors can enjoy beautiful outdoor activities which include the optical illusions that offer the best fun and the hedge maze.

Visits during the winter and the falls are only limited to the indoor activities which include the illusion rooms and the 3D labyrinth.

7. The Hologram Hall is a World of Unique Attraction Amusement

The eye-catching Hologram Hall is one of the tourist attractions amusement parks for its illusions and uniqueness. The room contains several optical illusions and holograms that are specifically meant to astound and perplex the visitors.

Some of the illusions in the holograms are very real that it is difficult to believe that they are not real. The holograms are so charming in how they create an illusion of 3D objects in space.

8. The Tilted House is the Most Puzzling Feature of the Puzzling World

Puzzling World. Photo by Alex Proimos. Wikimedia Commons

The tilting house is among the illusion room and is considered the most puzzling feature of the Puzzling World.

The house is tilted at an angle and people don’t get to understand how it was tilted but it’s a major tourist attraction. Although the room is tilted it is strongly grounded considering its precarious position.

9. The Walls in the Ames Room are Curved Though they Look Normal

The Ames room is also one of the perplexing attractions to the visitors as the room looks normal immediately after you enter but the walls are curved.

The curving of the walls makes it look either small or large according to your perspective.

The room was invented by Dr. Willard L. Ames to test people’s perception of space.

10. The Maze Challenge is Most Fascinating to the Visitors

The Puzzling World and Great Maze. Photo by Pavel Špindler. Wikimedia Commons

The spectacular maze challenge is most fascinating and enjoyable to most visitors over the years. The maze challenge is used to determine the problem-solving skills and the test of navigation.

The maze is full of corners and turns with several surprises waiting on you on every corner.

Puzzling World, New Zealand is a very interesting and fascinating place to be during vacations and holidays.

There are several fun activities including the maze challenge which is not as easy as it appears. The magnificent Ames room is also enjoyable as it tests people’s perception of space.