Fun Cooking Class

shopping & cooking with a local

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4 hours / €140
10.30 am

booking required
extra small groups

What's in our tour?

“Ooh La La Fun Cooking” is a fun, hands-on, and unique way to live a true Parisian food experience from end to end. It starts with shopping for fine foods at the local farmers market, and it ends with a refined meal in the home of a Parisian, with a full cooking class in-between.

We meet outside the metro station and head straight to the local farmers’ food market, to pick quality seasonal produce and explore local shops – cheese store, bakery, food and vegetable, butcher etc. We talk to merchants and pick what we will be cooking.

We then head back (after a final stop by the wine store) into the sophisticated private apartment of your Parisian host for the day, get introduced to the menu du jour, cooking ustensils, and protocol. We start cooking – there is a meal to make.

The cooking class is very hands-on – you are not there to watch, everyone cooks the whole meal. The host is an advanced recreational chef and food buff – sharing family tips and cooking traditions passed on from generation to generation.

After work comes the reward – we all sit down together for a meal that includes spectacular French dishes you will be able to reproduce at home to impress your friends and family.

Later, after the class, the host sends you the recipe of whatever you ended up choosing to cook that day.


  • a shopping tour at the local farmers’ food market
  • a cooking class in the home of and under the leadership of a Parisian food buff
  • cooking tips from the family of your host and food instructor
  • you enjoy a sophisticated meal, with wines and spectacular French dishes
  • instructor is also an elaborate conversationist – lunch conversation too is FUN
  • Groups limited to 8 max – you get a lot of face-time with your host and instructor.

Where and when?

Our Paris cooking class runs on market days – Thursday and Sunday, rain or shine. In English.

Tour starts on time at 10.30am on Thursday and Sunday, and lasts 4 hours.

Closed on Dec. 24 & 25

Why take this tour?

For the experience no restaurant can give you.


Fun Cooking is €140/person, discounted to €120/person for bookings of 2 and more. Kids under 13 pay €70.



We meet outside metro station Saint-Mandé (line 1) at street level, exit 1


Fun Cooking starts at 10.30am and runs 4 hours,on Thursdays and Sundays.

Metro station

Closest metro station: Saint Mandé (line 1)

Additional information

Average time : 4 hours
average number of guests 5

Ooh La La Fun Cooking includes: tour of local farmers’ food market, class, lunch and drinks.

Ooh La La does not include: hotel pick-up or drop-off, gratuity for guide (optional).

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